New to Bengeo

New to Bengeo

New to the area or looking for a church?

Harvest Festival 2013

If you are new to Bengeo or want to be part of church life here then please contact us and we can tell you more about our parish. You can also come along to any of our regular services and introduce yourself – we’d be delighted to meet you.

There are regular Sunday Services at Holy Trinity at 9am and 10am. Our 10am Parish Communion service has children’s resources and family-friendly facilities.

There are midweek activities, concerts, social and charity fundraising activities going on throughout the year. Keep an eye on our What’s On page to keep updated, or sign up to our newsletter for occasional mailshots – you’re invited to join us in all that we do. You can find us on Facebook too.

Want to know more about church?  Some regular questions are answered below…

What time should I get there?

It’s a good idea to arrive at church at least 10 minutes before the service to make yourself comfortable and have a short quiet time before the Service begins.  Please sit anywhere – you will be made welcome and will be given a service booklet at the door. You’ll find a hymn book at the end of your pew or at your seat.  If you’re not sure what will happen then please ask one of our Welcome Team at the door.

Musical worship

What should I wear?

There is no need to dress up to come to our Services – just come as you are.

Can I bring the children?

Most definitely – we are family churches and children are welcome – we provide a range of children’s resources and facilities at the 10am Parish Communion service, and children are invited to take an active part in our occasional All Age Communion service. Learn more about our children’s activities here.

Will I have to do anything?

No – other than join in as much as you feel able. Going to church might be a new experience for you, but you’ll feel more comfortable with the service over time.  There will be some prayers and hymns that might be familiar to you and others that you’ll pick up as you go along.  There’s a wide range of prayers and music to express different styles of worship and different approaches to God. Hopefully, there’ll be some words or music there you’ll feel at home with.

Should I take communion?

Yes – if you are in the regular habit of taking Communion – if not – then you are welcome to come up to the altar rail with everybody else bringing a service booklet or a hymn book in your hands and receive a blessing.  Please also bring the children up for a blessing with you.

Will I get anything out of it?

This might be the question you most want to ask!  The best answer is ‘come along and see.’ The churches of Bengeo host a variety of modern and traditional services in two very different buildings.  Whatever you’re looking for, we hope that you’ll find something in worship that helps you find God, and know that he is with you.