New Parish Website

New Parish Website

You may have noticed that the website has a new and up-to-date appearance. We hope you enjoy using it and the new appearance.

The old website had been in service since 2011, which is a long time for a website. As with anything else web styles and fashions move on and it was starting to look very dated.

Furthermore the website did not fully support mobile devices. Our new website is designed to work on any modern phone or tablet and on any browser or operating system.

However, as with most websites we do not support some older browsers, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer. This is because those browsers do not support modern web standards, essential in ensuring the site works on a range of different devices.

If you are having problems viewing the site we recommend upgrading your browser. You could consider Microsoft Edge, or Google Chrome, Firefox or similar. For older machines you could try Vivaldi – which uses the same core system as Google Chrome but is faster.

We have tried to select images that reflect the character of our community, but we are aware that some of the images are now quite old. We are working to replace these with newer images as soon as we can.

If you have any feedback we would love to hear from you please email to